PICTURE: Manchester United fans air their views on Glazers

In what was another poor performance from Manchester United and David Moyes, the fans turned their attentions to the Glazers and their lack of spending since their takeover. Imagine if we had the same amount of money available as both City and Chelsea? Its scary how many titles we’d have won under Sir Alex.

Sadly, that isn’t the case and Moyes certainly hasn’t been backed by our leaching owners. However I think its something we’ll have to get used to as they’re going to be around for quite a while yet…

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About Jordan Street 19808 Articles
Mancunian. Red through and through. Season Ticket holder block E332.


  1. Haha keep it up agent moyes your doing splendid! The ship is almost sunk ! I did not EXSPECT you to take the mancs from winning the league to a mid table team in your first year and soon Rooney and RVP will be gone aswell ! I think a double your wages is in order soon.

  2. Until Chelsea and Man City came into money Man U were the premier leagues big spenders year in, year out. How dare two other teams suddenly be in a position to out spend United. In the last 20 years United have spent around half a billion pounds buying players. You don’t have a divine right to win anything, and certainly no right to be jealous because you are no longer the best equipped to buy silverware.

  3. Don’t see how it can be the glzaers fault, they allowed ferguson to pick whoever he wanted, they are quintessential laize faire owners, look at the success utd have had under their ownership 3 champs league finals in the spac of 5 seasons. Provided money for a bid for Fabregas and Bale. People just jump on the bandwagon saying the are leaches, they are good business men who have turned an incredible profit. Compared to someone like Tan who wants to pick everything they are extremely good owners, rarely getting involved in footballing decisions.

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